Helping You Navigate Flood Insurance

Coverage for property damage from rising waters.
a flooded street with house and trees
a flooded street with houses and trees
We Keep You Afloat When the Waters Rise

Protecting You In and Out of Flood Zones

With a whopping 5 feet of rainfall pouring on top of the Sunshine State each year, all Florida residents should consider adding flood insurance to their policy whether they live directly in a flood zone or on the outskirts of one. Even in areas of Florida that aren’t considered flood zones, the rainfall can still be quite drastic causing flash flooding and thousands of dollars in damage.

Because damage can be caused by even a couple inches of water, flood insurance provides additional coverage for property damage caused by rain storms. In the event your home experiences rising water flood damage from heavy or prolonged rain, coastal storm surges, blocked storm drainage system, a breeched dam or levee, or overflowing lake, river, or pond, a flood policy can save you thousands of out-of-pocket expenses.

Let the Windward Insurance Agency plot the right course in search of the flood insurance coverage you seek.

The Best Way to Purchase a Flood Policy

On average, a flood policy in Florida is typically less than $500 per year and can save you thousands of dollars if an flooding event occurs. The best way to purchase a flood policy, without a 30-day waiting period, is to purchase a bundle policy or flood endorsement policy from your homeowners carrier if available. If you qualify for a carrier endorsement option, you may save a few hundred dollars over the listing NFIP – National Flood Insurance Program pricing too.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Find all the answers to your questions here.
Are you required to have a flood policy if the home is not in a flood zone in Florida?
No, you are not required to have a flood policy if your home is not in a flood zone (unless required by the lender). However, the State of Florida is very prone to flood events, as it sits at sea level in most areas.
Is damage from a storm surge or an overflowing lake resulting from a tropical storm or hurricane covered in my homeowners policy?
Unfortunately, no, as a standard homeowners policy does not provide coverage for rising water events. Storm surges, overflowing lakes, rivers, and canals are all events covered by a flood policy. In most instances, a good Florida agent will recommend both a homeowners and flood policy to protect your home and finances.

Our Insurance Services for Every Scenario

You need plenty of coverage options to accompany your lifestyle. That’s where we come in.